May 3rd I'ts World Sun Day / International Press Freedom Day

Vandaag zetten we de persvrijheid in het zonnetje op deze meervoudige “feestdag”

Wat mij betreft persvrijheid in gebondenheid doordat er vele staatsmedia in minder betrouwbare landen als de onze bestaan naast onzinsites en berichten op social media met fakenews die niet bijdragen aan een onafhankelijke persvrijheid.

Daarom zetten we deze sun day mensen in het zonnetje die bij de officieel erkende pers werkzaam zijn en dit HUMAN-gericht doen.

Extra respect voor diegene die dit doen zonder Ego-belangen

Oeps ja en de tabloids vallen dan ook af van de lijst erkende pers.

Bekijk de video’s hieronder waarom.

Sun Day. De waarde van de zon in het algemeen en als duurzame energiebron in het bijzonder, staan ieder jaar op 3 mei in het middelpunt van de belangstelling, want dan is het 'Internationale Dag van de Zon' (ook: Werelddag van de Zon). De 'Dag van de Zon' is het minder bekende broertje van de  wworld earth day 22 april

De Internationale Dag van de Persvrijheid ( World Press Freedom Day) is jaarlijks ingesteld op 3 mei.De dag werd in 1993 door de VN uitgeroepen om bewustzijn te kweken voor het belang van persvrijheid en regeringen eraan te herinneren hun plicht te vervullen het eraan gekoppelde artikel 19 van de Unversele verklaring van de rechten van de mens en de Verklaring van Windhoek uit 1991 te handhaven.~

Sign O the Times


O yeah!
In France, a skinny man died of a big disease with a little name
By chance his girlfriend came across a needle and soon she did the same
At home there are seventeen-year-old boys and their idea of fun
Is being in a gang called 'The Disciples'
High on crack and totin' a machine gun

Time Times

Hurricane Annie ripped the ceiling of a church and killed everyone inside
You turn on the telly and every other story is tellin' you somebody died
A sister killed her baby 'cause she couldn't afford to feed it
And yet we're sending people to the moon
In September, my cousin tried reefer for the very first time
Now he's doing horse, it's June, unh

Times Times

It's silly, no?
When a rocket ship explodes and everybody still wants to fly
But some say a man ain't happy unless a man truly dies
Oh why?


Baby make a speech, Star Wars fly
Neighbors just shine it on
But if a night falls and a bomb falls
Will anybody see the dawn?

Time, mm

Is it silly, no?
When a rocket blows and, and everybody still wants to fly
Some say man ain't happy truly until a man truly dies
Oh why, oh why?
Sign o' the times, unh


Sign o' the times mess with your mind
Hurry before it's too late
Let's fall in love, get married, have a baby
We'll call him Nate
If it's a boyTime

Never buy The Sun

Billy Brag

Someone's hiding in the bushes with a telephoto lens
While their editor assures them the means justifies the ends
'Cause we only hunt celebrities, it's all a bit of fun
The Scousers never buy the Sun

The parents of the missing girl cling desperately to hope
A copper takes improper payments in a thick brown envelope
And no one in the newsroom asks "Where's this headline from?"
Scousers never buy the Sun

Tabloids make their money betting bullshit baffles brains
And they cynically hold up their hands if anyone complains
And they say: "All we're doing is giving people what they want"
Well, they're crying out for justice, people crying out for justice
And the man they call "The Digger" casts a proprietary eye
Over what happens in the gutter and what goes on in the sky
And he claims he's fit and proper and the watchdog sings his song
But the Scousers never buy the Sun

International executives, they hang their heads in shame
And tell us with their hands on heart, the paper boy's to blame
But you who love that kiss and tell, you must bear some guilt as well
Scousers never buy the Sun

Tabloids make their millions betting bullshit baffles brains
And they cynically hold up their hands if anyone complains
And they say: "All we're doing is giving people what they want"
Well, they're crying out for justice, people crying out for justice

In the corridors of power they all sit down to sup
With the devil and his minions, and they ask for his opinions
And the politicians wring their hands and cry: "What's to be done?"
But the Scousers never buy the SunNo one comes out looking good when all is said and done
But the Scousers never buy the Sun"Justice for the Nottingham Six"

Bron: LyricFind

Songwriters: Billy Bragg

Songteksten voor Never Buy the Sun © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC~

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