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Meer goede bronnen voor vrede en conflict
We verzamelden artikelen die de wortels van vrede, oorlog en verzoening onderzoeken; middelen aanbieden voor welzijn en activisme; en herinneren ons aan de menselijke goedheid.
Grat good Science Center 7 maart 2022
De Russische invasie van Oekraïne roept een reeks emoties op: verdriet, woede, angst en meer. We lezen elke dag het nieuws en zouden willen dat we meer konden doen om te helpen. Als educatieve non-profitorganisatie kunnen we onszelf en onze lezers misschien het beste eraan herinneren dat vrede altijd mogelijk is, de overgrote meerderheid van de mensen verzet zich tegen het doden, zelfs de meest gewelddadige primaten zijn in staat tot verandering, er zijn stappen die we allemaal kunnen nemen om onze verschillen te overbruggen, en activisme kan de wereld een betere plek maken.
We hebben onderstaande artikelen verzameld om u te helpen de wortels van vrede, oorlog en verzoening te begrijpen; betrokken raken bij activisme; en steun uw welzijn en dat van uw kinderen, inclusief herinneringen aan menselijke goedheid in tijden van conflict.
Als je een directere manier wilt vinden om de bevolking van Oekraïne te ondersteunen, hebben onze vrienden bij KQED deze uitstekende lijst gemaakt van organisaties die de menselijke crises aanpakken die oorlog veroorzaakt. We hopen dat u overweegt een van hen te doneren.
Click to jump to a section:
Promoting peace and reconciliation
Reminders of human goodness
How political apology and forgiveness works
Resources for well-being and activism
Resources for children’s well-being
Promoting peace and reconciliation
What Can We Learn From the World’s Most Peaceful Societies?: A multidisciplinary team of researchers is discovering what makes some societies more peaceful than others.
Why Is There Peace?: Violence is declining, argues psychologist Steven Pinker. What are we doing right?
Truth and Reconciliation: Forgiveness is not just personally rewarding. It’s also a political necessity, says Archbishop Desmond Tutu. He explains how forgiveness allowed South Africans to imagine a new beginning—one based on honesty, peace, and compassion.
To Resolve Conflicts, Get Up and Move: Researcher Peter T. Coleman has found an unlikely path to peace: Move your body to help your mind get unstuck.
Reminders of human goodness
Hope on the Battlefield: Military leaders know a secret: The vast majority of people are overwhelmingly reluctant to take a human life.
Courage Under Fire: When the Bosnian civil war broke out, Svetlana Broz searched for the humanity behind the horrific headlines. She found stories of people who risked their lives to help victims of the war—and who inspired others to follow their example.
Worlds Without War: Ethnographic studies find that not all societies make war. In other words, war is not intrinsic to humankind.
Beyond Sex and Violence: Contrary to the typical view, violence is something humans resort to out of fear—or try to avoid altogether.
Peace Among Primates: Anyone who says peace is not part of human nature knows too little about primates, including ourselves.
How political apology and forgiveness works
The Forgiveness Instinct: To understand the human potential for peace, we have to learn three simple truths about forgiveness and revenge.
The Greatest Test: Forgiveness improves health and strengthens relationships. But can it help heal the scars of civil war?
Making Peace Through Apology: Some apologies encourage forgiveness and reconciliation between groups and nations; others only make things worse. Here’s how to tell the difference.
What Makes a Political Apology Seem Sincere?: When is a political apology likely to be well-received? A new study explores the contributing factors.
How Should a Group Apologize to People They Harmed?: A new study investigates which components of an apology foster forgiveness and reconciliation between groups.
Resources for well-being and activism
Six Tips to Avoid Being Overwhelmed by the News: Here’s how to cope when all the negative news is triggering you.
How to Sustain Your Activism: These three principles can help activists avoid burnout and continue working toward a better world.
How to Renew Your Compassion in the Face of Suffering: Mass suffering can make us feel helpless. Focusing on solutions, rather than emotions, may be the way out.
Resources for children’s well-being
Nine Tips for Talking to Kids about Trauma: In the midst of tragedy, kids will have questions. How do we respond?
Five Ways to Support Students Affected by Trauma: Teachers can help students recognize their strengths and build resilience.
Can Parents Teach Peace?: A recent study suggests they can, at least some of the time.