Humane bureaucratie

(in kader 1 jaar website met meest relevante of meest gelezen posts Human Power Now)

HELP ambulancepersoneel,medewerkers politie, brandweerpersoneel en andere hulpverleners die niet aangevallen dienen te worden tijdens hun werk. Zorg dat ze meer respect krijgen dan klappen.

Wat een mooie geste van anonieme gulle gever en of gevers in de UK; lees verhaal hieronder waar anonieme giften en berichten werden verstrekt aan ambulancepersoneel.

De giften mogen niet worden aangenomen. Wellicht kan het geld gebruikt worden voor medewerkers die extra kosten maken doordat ze worden aangevallen tijdens hun werk of in kader van preventie.

Laat de bureaucratie los waar het kan en zet deze HUMAAN in passend binnen de “creatieve” kaders. That’s what the real Human people want.

Hier het verslag uit de Daily Telegraph

Mystery benefactor leaving Christmas £10 tips for 999 crews - but bosses say they can't keep them

Paramedics are hunting for the identity of a mystery benefactor who has been leaving scores of letters containing £10 on ambulances across the south east telling crews they are awesome.

Ambulance crews in London and Surrey have discovered dozens of the notes in recent weeks, attached to their vehicles offering kind words of thanks and up to £10 in cash or vouchers to spend on coffee and doughnuts.

Notes of thanks from members of the public are quite common for emergency service workers, but managers and staff at the London Ambulance Service (LAS) and South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb) are scratching their heads after the professional-looking printed cards starting appearing on ambulances last month.

The notes, some of which were found outside of Royal Surrey hospital in Guildford, came in clear plastic envelopes marked documents enclosed and told crew you are awesome.

Healthcare workers said they were surprised when they discovered the package contained a professionally printed card of thanks and £5, £10 or a gift voucher.

Paramedics had been left touched the by the cards and had attempted to track down the donor to express their thanks, said a spokesperson for SECAmb.

They added:Weve been through quite a phase of getting cards these cards, as well as hand written notes. Most staff put the any money towards a box of chocolates back at the station,they said. Our crews are very modest. This ist why they do the job, but they are very grateful.

It is thought that the cards are being left my employees of a family-owned firm in the region, but that they want to remain anonymous.

SECAmb added that crew thought the cards were being left by the public who were upset that crews had been abuses by members of the public object to ambulances on emergency calls parking in front of their driveways.

We think one person started it and now people are copying it, and we think it comes off the back of stories about nasty notes being left on ambulances parked on driveways, they said.

Other notes were reportedly found in Camberwell in south London, and elsewhere in the capital.

LAS said that cards from the mysterious benefactor are among the 300 notes and letters of appreciate each staff receive from the general public each month.

But, the body faced criticism on Thursday after it was accused of acting like a like scrooge by demanding crews hand over cash donated by grateful members of the public.

A LAS staff member, who did want to be identified in case it has repercussions on their job, said letter from manager telling staff to give up the money had left team demoralised.

The email to staff said the sentiment of the notes is righ but that staff should hand any cash donations to their managers. Whilst we think that the sentiment of the notes is right - seeing as they say you are awesome - this appears to be happening in a professional, co-ordinated way and we are not sure who they are from, it said.

The LAS staff member said there are some seriously p-----d off guys in green - did’t think morale could get any lower.

A LAS spokesperson said:We are always overwhelmed by the generosity of feeling towards our staff who work tirelessly for Londoners every day of the year, however, in common with other public sector organisations, we have strict rules and guidelines around the acceptance of monetary gifts.


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