HUMAN Europe

7 & 8 december 2018 Maastricht Europe Days

Europa is nog lang niet af. Er staat nog heel wat te doen. Sterker nog, er dienen zich vrijwel dagelijks nieuwe ontwikkelingen en uitdagingen aan. Zo is Maastricht, Working on Europe ontstaan, met als belangrijk moment de jaarlijks terugkerende Maastricht Europe Days.

Tijdens de Maastricht Europe Days krijgt vooral de stem van de burger, de Europeaan, een prominente plek en willen we op zoek gaan naar de kern van de Europese identiteit anno nu.

We willen jullie horen

What are you angry about? Do you have a solution? Would you risk your life for your ideals?

In the light of the Maastricht Europe Days (MED '18) Maastricht invites this traveling exhibition to actively involve guests and residents of the city in answering the question: what are Europeans so angry about and are they willing to fight for their ideals?

Create your own protest board in the interactive photo booth of this I'm So Angry (I Made a Sign) pop-up museum and add your slogan for the future to the museum collection. More than 1000 Europeans have already contributed.
Read the personal stories from people who played an important role in the formation of Europe and even put their level on the line for their ideals.

Free event
Languages: English and Dutch

Maastricht, Working on Europe with it's annual highlight: the Maastricht Europe Days gives the voice of citizens and Europeans, a prominent place. 
Organised in cooperation with Iron Curtain Project and De Balie.
For the full programme see:

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John KistermannComment